Movie: Mistletoe in Montana
Network: Lifetime
Starring: Melissa Joan Hart, Duane Henry,
Synopsis: An unlucky-in-love ranch owner feels an undeniable connection to a single father with two children who has booked her ranch for the week of Christmas.
Rating: ⭐⭐1/4
⚠🛑 Disclaimer: This review may contain movie spoilers
Have you ever watched a movie that had no really good parts, no really bad parts, mediocre acting and no real issues? Well this is that movie. I can't really say it was good or bad. There wasn't much interesting about it and yet I still sat and watched it hoping it would get better. It didn't.
Merry (Hart) is a ranch owner who has a new booking at her ranch over Christmas. A single father Mark (Henry) is bringing his 2 children and their nanny to disconnect from the busyness of their lives. The next 90 minutes follows some brutal Christmas activities, lame sack race around one barrel, a terrible square dance and a decision by the whole family to leave their rich lifestyle and stay at the ranch forever with Merry.
First off let me this what Merry does for a living? Does she have people stay at the ranch all of the time? Where were her other guests? She literally had 4 people booked for the week and she had 5 people working at the ranch. How does the woman stay in business?
That's not the only stupid thing in this movie. It's Christmas time in Montana in the mountains and yet there is no snow. Seriously? And what kind of lame activities does this ranch run. They had a sack race around a barrel and a square dance. They got their guests to go cut down a Christmas tree and then decorate it. Not really a ton of quality things to keep people entertained. I wouldn't want to stay there.
Duane Henry I think would be better cast in Bridgerton with the accent and the way he struts around. He seemed so out of place and seemed uncomfortable in the attire. Seems better suited for suits and I just can't believe that he would give up suits to live a country life forever. He had ZERO chemistry with Melissa Joan Hart. Yes they had some quick banter which was funny and the scene with the raccoon was amusing but other than that there really was nothing going on here.
The supporting cast weren't much better. The story lines were weak, the nanny did absolutely nothing while she was there except hang out with the cook. I want her job.
Guys this movie was bad. Just say no.
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