There's a new mountie in Hope Valley everyone! Now that was a grand entrance. Nathan Grant's arrival into Hope Valley is one for the books for sure. Casually having a drink at the saloon, off duty of course, and steps in to break up a fight and then gets punched by Jesse in the crossfire! Nice! Quite the introduction for the new mountie as he is swiftly taken to jail by Bill and then has to explain who he is. I didn't know how I'd feel about having a new mountie in town after the death of Jack but you know what...I'm perfectly ok with it!
Everyone is intrigued by the new mountie, as am I, but there's no time for getting to know him as Nathan is immediately needed to help solve the mystery of who stole Lee's payroll. Funny that there wasn't much crime to solve in Hope Valley until he showed up but we won't mention that 😁
We come to find that Nathan has a niece named Allie that he has been guardian of since she was 4. He has a wonderful relationship with her, which I will go into in a different post. Nevertheless the fact that he has a young girl in his care provides a great opportunity...and lots of them...to form a friendly acquaintance with the widowed school teacher Elizabeth Thornton.
I think Nathan is a sweet, reserved man has a few secrets in his life. I'm not 100% sold that he is really as shy as he comes across as at points he exudes confidence and can enter a room and you just know he's there. He can hold his own and isn't one to mince words as we've seen with some of his interactions especially with Bill & Lucas.
Now where he doesn't seem to have as much confidence and is awkward at times, is when he's around Elizabeth. Let me tell you, Nathan's fondness for Elizabeth begins to show the more you see him interact with her. His little looks from afar and the deeper conversations they have. But despite his good looks and swagger, he seems to stumble over his words with her which is very endearing. By the way Elizabeth responds to these looks and conversations, I'd say she has some interest in him too. She is giddy and is always creating reasons to see him. I found myself smiling alot when the two were together. They seem like a good fit.
Where I felt most for Nathan was the last scene of season 6. At the Founder's day dance it was ladies choice and I felt for sure Elizabeth was going to choose Nathan. After all those goo-goo eyes, little smiles and moments she shared with Nathan, I was confident he was her choice right? NO! Are you kidding me? She dances with Lucas and low and behold who do we see at the door looking distraught? Nathan. I was devastated for him. The look of disappointment in his whole demeanor was apparent. What I liked was that he looked her straight in the eyes and didn't look away. He showed her his disappointment and then walked out the door. Something that took courage as I know he was devastated. I'll dance with you Nathan! ❤
Nathan hasn't been around long but he has quickly become a favourite of mine. He has some dynamic relationships which I will delve into further in a future post.
Question: What do you think about the arrival of Nathan Grant?
Coming up next: Lucas Bouchard
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